
Archives: Climate

The fossil fuel industry is pushing lawmakers to implement a tax on carbon emissions, but environmentalists are skeptical of its ...

You can help build the movement to hold the fossil fuel industry liable for its decades of deception. Call your attorney general today.

Exxon’s known for half a century that burning fossil fuels could fuel disastrous climate change. And instead of shifting course, it invested in climate denial, deception, and obstruction -- which continue to this day. Urge your state attorney general to investigate Exxon’s climate deception -- an essential first step toward implementing the just climate solutions we need.

Flag for Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. Will you join us to take bold action for climate justice?

“This week, the EU Parliament sided Big Oil instead of standing with people of the EU. ExxonMobil has known for ...

The deputy campaigns director for Corporate Accountability writes about the double game played by big polluters and their lobbyists. To ...

Yesterday, the Australian government announced that it is stopping its contribution to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The GCF was ...

Below is a joint statement of 45 civil society organizations in agroecology and environment to governments of Africa at the ...

Instead of permitting the very actors that fueled the climate crisis to advance their own agenda, it is time governments embody true climate leadership by embracing the meaningful solutions communities on the frontlines of climate change already have.

By Patti Lynn. This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute ...

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