
Connect with our community

Corporate power is on the rise everywhere you look. And so is the vibrant movement that’s demanding a whole new system. People are coming together to protect democracy, human rights, the planet, and each other. This is our moment to shift power to people and build a world rooted in justice.

Corporate Accountability grows stronger by partnering with people like you. There are many ways you can get involved.

Photo credit: Brooke Duthie


Your support confronts injustice. It speaks truth to power. It safeguards our planet. And it protects all of us.

By giving to Corporate Accountability, you’re putting power back in people’s hands so we can build a world where all of us thrive.

Become a member

Help us build a just future for all.

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Make change every month.

Legacy giving

Leave a legacy of protecting people and our planet.

Stock options

Make your gift in the form of appreciated stock.

Movement Solidary Fund

Your support strengthens the movement challenging corporate abuse.

2023 financial report

Your gift advances our mission & campaigns

Corporate Accountability spends more than 90 percent of all contributions directly on programs, while less than 10 percent provide essential support services, resulting in the highest marks from rating agencies.

2023 Annual Report

Learn more

Activating people power for 40 years

Together with our members, philanthropic partners, and allies, Corporate Accountability has forced some of the most powerful transnational corporations to stop abusive practices — bringing about transformative change. Because of our work, Nestlé made sweeping changes to infant formula promotion that was killing infants across the Global South and General Electric got out of the nuclear weapons business.

In the decades since, we have won victories that save lives and change them for the better by shifting power away from corporations and back to people. We amplify the voices of communities from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Lagos, Nigeria. And we make sure our voices reverberate in the ears of decision-makers from the halls of the U.N. to corporate boardrooms. We are building a world where we all can thrive, and the need for this work is greater than ever.

Our history