
We are building a world rooted in justice where corporations answer to people, not the other way around—a world where every person has access to clean water, healthy food, a safe place to live, and the opportunity to reach their full human potential.

Our values

Corporate power demands action.

We refuse to stand by as transnational corporations devastate democracy, trample human rights, and destroy our planet.

No force is more powerful than the people, united.

Large numbers of people demanding change together can force even the most dangerous global corporations to stop destructive practices once and for all.

Communities that face profound corporate abuse are essential in leading the transformation of our world.

To achieve the change we need, we must organize shoulder-to-shoulder with people who bear the brunt of corporate abuse: women, people of color, people in the Global South, indigenous people, youth, and low-income communities around the world. Their perspectives and experiences must ground this movement; their leadership must drive the deep and lasting change we create together.

The root causes of injustice must be eliminated.

We are committed to changing the fundamental imbalance of power in our society by holding transnational corporations accountable for creating and perpetuating systemic inequality and economic injustice.

Bold action is necessary to create transformative change.

Corporate power is out of control. We need to challenge the status quo, name names, and create a world that puts people and the planet first.

2023 financial report

Your gift advances our mission & campaigns

Corporate Accountability spends more than 90 percent of all contributions directly on programs, while less than 10 percent provide essential support services, resulting in the highest marks from rating agencies.

2023 Annual Report

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Activating people power for 40 years

Together with our members, philanthropic partners, and allies, Corporate Accountability has forced some of the most powerful transnational corporations to stop abusive practices — bringing about transformative change. Because of our work, Nestlé made sweeping changes to infant formula promotion that was killing infants across the Global South and General Electric got out of the nuclear weapons business.

In the decades since, we have won victories that save lives and change them for the better by shifting power away from corporations and back to people. We amplify the voices of communities from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Lagos, Nigeria. And we make sure our voices reverberate in the ears of decision-makers from the halls of the U.N. to corporate boardrooms. We are building a world where we all can thrive, and the need for this work is greater than ever.

Our history