
Archives: Climate

By The Boston Globe Editorial Board. Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas spent most of the summer unsuccessfully trying to scuttle an ongoing investigation ...

Articles include: Blocking Trump’s privatization agenda; Now’s the time to challenge corporate power; Responding to Big Tobacco’s corruption, Kenya tackles ...

BOSTON–The United States Treasury just announced that it is fining Exxon Mobil $2 million for violating U.S. sanctions against Russia. ...

The Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017 details just how tight corporations’ grip on people’s lives and policy has become and ...

By Kelle Louaillier, The New York Times To the Editor: Kudos to The Times for peeling back the mask hiding ...

Photo: Corporate Accountability and our allies at the most recent meetings of the U.N. climate treaty.  Yesterday, the Trump administration ...

Corporate Accountability International and our allies at the most recent meetings of the U.N. climate treaty.

Yesterday, the Trump administration announced its decision to leave the Paris Agreement. This is an extreme outcome of conflicts of interest run amok, and does not reflect the will and interests of most people in the United States or around the world.

By Laurie Goering, Reuters  LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull his country out of ...

By Reynard Loki, Alternet. Can the global climate be stabilized without American participation? President Trump announced Thursday that he is withdrawing the ...

BOSTON--Multiple news outlets are now reporting that Donald Trump plans to announce the U.S.’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement at 3pm EST today. Such an announcement would undoubtedly have far-reaching ramifications. But, perhaps most importantly, the announcement does not mean the U.S. will no longer be involved at the UNFCCC. In fact, it would all but ensure the U.S. will continue to undermine and block progress for the next four years.

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