
Archives: Food

A new report by the Restaurant Opportunities Center United, in collaboration with Corporate Accountability International, surveyed employees of CKE Restaurants ...

Please see Campaign Director of Value [the] Meal Sriram Madhusoodanan’s statement below: “Andrew Puzder’s nomination as labor secretary is the ...

Photo: Wikimedia Commons. A commercial meat chicken production house in Florida. You probably already know that McDonald’s is responsible for a ...

On behalf of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) and the more than 31,000 educators and health and human service professionals ...

Articles include: People of Lagos march towards water justice; Taking the long view; Grady Memorial and Rady Children’s hospitals give ...

This post was originally published on BeyondChron. This week, Los Angeles teachers made it very clear: it’s time for McDonald’s to ...

Organizers stand in front of McDonald's store with signs.

Families across the country are worried about McDonald’s, for more reasons than one. This year, families who are affected by McDonald’s practices are speaking up together as part of a Toxic Taters week of action.

From seed to plate our food system is broken -- and Corporate Accountability International leaders Sriram Madhusoodanan and Anna Lappé are making waves in their work to fix it.

Articles include: Holding Exxon accountable for decades of deception; Growing the movement; Exposing the fast food industry’s lobbying; Carrying on ...

Statue of Ronald McDonald sits on a bench outside of a McDonald's in Bangkok, Thailand.

It’s no accident that McDonald’s sites its stores inside hospital doors. The corporation has gone to great lengths to co-opt hospitals and other health institutions to “health-wash” its brand.

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