
Archives: Food

Articles include: You shut out Big Tobacco from treaty talks; Kick-starting climate talks with lessons learned from the global tobacco ...

Articles include: Bringing high-pressure front to private water; Safeguarding fairness and democratic values; Real role models demand change at McDonald’s; ...

Articles include: From Lagos to New Delhi, you propel policy tough on Big Tobacco; Water giant Veolia faces global tide ...

In this letter, Corporate Accountability and allies demand that Olympic medalists stand for kids’ health, and not accept sponsorships from McDonald’s.

View of a basketball hoop from beneath the net, blue sky visible above.

In this letter, Corporate Accountability and allies call on LeBron James to stand for kids’ health and end his affiliation with McDonald’s.

Articles include: World Bank President responds to your appeal; You challenge “NAFTA on steroids”; St. Louis to Veolia: Hands off ...

With McDonald’s facing heightened scrutiny while being increasingly on the defensive over its role in harming child health, the corporation’s ...

Articles include: Your support moves parks to think outside the bottle, resist Coke; Top World Bank officials consider your demand ...

Hello. My name is Tanya Fields, I am a single mother of four and Executive Director of The Black Project.  ...

Corporate Accountability demands for the retirement of Ronald McDonald, the character at the center of the fast food giant’s destructive marketing campaign to children.

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