Take a look at the impact you have had over the last year, then read even more in our annual report.
From pushing back against water privatization in Africa to exposing the racist roots of Big Tobacco, learn more about what you made possible.
Why the consolidation of Veolia and Suez flies in the face of what communities around the world are demanding: An end to water privatization.
With our allies, we ensure privatization schemes are kept out of the U.S. infrastructure bill, expanding access to clean water.
Learn more about what you made possible by downloading this year's Annual Report or exploring the digital version.
Make your gift to rein in corporate power by December 31 and DOUBLE your impact!
We need bold and equitable investments in our public water systems, not more corporate handouts that undermine the human right to water.
Join the Corporate Accountability Giving Circle to deepen your analysis of Corporate Power and to take meaningful action on our campaigns.
Your support is generating visibility that will make a significant impression on governments and public officials who are charged with managing water across Africa.
The full position statement from the Our Water, Our Right Coalition, endorsed by more than 100 organizations around the world.