October 31, 2018

Add your name to the People’s Demands for Climate Justice!

People, not Big Polluters, must decide the fate of our planet.

And make no mistake: As the recent U.N. climate report1 makes strikingly clear, the fate of our planet — and millions of people’s lives — is on the line. Now is a crucial moment as we head into the next round of U.N. climate talks in December. Because now is the time that global governments will hammer out exactly how they will meet the commitments they made in the Paris Agreement to curb the climate crisis.

Because this year is so crucial, Big Polluters — massive fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil, Shell, and others — are doing everything they can to undermine climate justice so they can keep polluting and profiting. And powerful governments like the U.S. under the Trump administration, and the European Union, are acting in lockstep with Big Polluters.

But people around the world are rejecting the stalling, cajoling, and dangerous distractions put forth by Big Polluters and the governments that do their bidding. Together with dozens of climate justice organizations from around the globe, we’re charting a path forward free of Big Polluters’ obstruction: the People’s Demands for Climate Justice.

Add your name to the People’s Demands: a set of global safeguards to ensure the world takes meaningful, just action to address the climate crisis.

And our global people-powered movement continues to grow, scoring victories throughout the world, including two just last week. First, the State of New York sued Exxon for allegedly deceiving investors in its accounting for climate change.2 And second, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling on its delegation to the global climate treaty to support kicking Big Polluters out.

Over the past few months, we’ve been meeting with organizations from around the globe that are led by people who have been most impacted by climate change, but have done the least to cause it. Together with dozens of organizations, and with input from thousands of our supporters like you, we’ve developed a set of collective demands to reflect real people’s voices. 

Here’s what we’re demanding: 

  • Keep fossil fuels in the ground.
  • Reject false solutions that are displacing real, people-first solutions to the climate crisis.
  • Advance real solutions that are just, feasible, and essential.
  • Honor climate finance obligations to developing countries.
  • End corporate interference in, and capture of, the climate talks.
  • Ensure developed countries honor their “Fair Shares” for largely fueling this crisis.

In the next few months, hundreds of thousands of people will add their voices to the People’s Demands. We’ll go into the climate talks in December with a clear and united path towards climate justice. We’ll deliver these demands to government delegates and urge them to push against Big Polluters’ dangerous distractions. 

As last week’s Exxon lawsuit announcement and bold action by the European Parliament show, the tide is turning from Big Polluter obstruction toward people-powered solutions. The People’s Demands are a bold plan to show a united global front demanding climate justice and an end to the harmful impact of Big Polluters. And you’re the key: When thousands of us join together, we’re a force to be reckoned with. 

Add your name to the People’s Demands. Join the growing movement for just action on the climate crisis. 

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