November 2, 2022

Announcing the Challenge Corporate Power Match Campaign

We are in an unsettling moment, with increasingly frequent climate disasters, corporations from Big Tech to Big Tobacco to Big Polluters acting with impunity, and anti-democratic political movements gaining power. But there are also real opportunities right now for us to build the world we want — one rooted in justice, a world where every person has access to clean water, healthy food, a safe place to live, and the opportunity to reach their full human potential. That’s why your support has never been more important.

As a passionate Corporate Accountability activist, you are a critical part of the movement to challenge corporate power. I’m writing to say thank you and share a tremendous opportunity with you.

Thanks to a generous donor who shares your commitment to challenging corporate power, all gifts made between now and November 30 will be matched with an additional $2 for every $1 donated, tripling your impact! This match will drop to a dollar-for-dollar match through December, so don’t wait to make your gift, make the biggest impact possible, and help us reach our goal of raising $100,000!

We are going toe-to-toe with some of the largest, most abusive, and wealthiest corporations on the planet. But when we come together as a community, united, we have the power to take them on — and win. And right now, the best way to help rein in corporate power is to triple your impact with a gift today.

Your tripled contribution will power campaigns that compel corporations, and the governments doing their bidding, to stop trampling human rights, devastating democracy, and destroying our planet.

Don’t miss this matching gift opportunity. Make your gift to the 2022 Challenge Corporate Power Match Campaign and it will be TRIPLED.

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