April 21, 2021

In response to the trial and verdict of Derek Chauvin

Today, we’re sitting with a lot of emotions.

What does it say about our system that despite the fact that George Floyd’s life was taken in broad daylight, it was an exception that his murderer was convicted rather than acquitted?

Or that minutes before Derek Chauvin’s verdict was read, 15-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant was killed by the police in Columbus, Ohio?

We know that this was never about just one police officer being punished because true justice means much more than one guilty verdict. This system is irreparably broken and poisoned. And to build a truly liberatory future for all, we need to abolish white supremacy and systemic racism.

That starts with listening to communities who have been calling for defunding the police and investing in Black and Brown communities that have long been systemically starved of resources.

It also means dismantling the intertwined pillars of systemic racism and corporate power. Transnational corporations are one of the biggest donors to police foundations across the country. In fact, funding from corporations like Coca-Cola, Chevron, Amazon and more allows police departments to buy the weaponry, equipment, and surveillance technology that they can use to terrorize Black and Brown communities. You can learn more about the web of corporate influence on and support for law enforcement in this report published by LittleSis last June.

As a member-powered organization, we know how critical individual mobilization and collective action are to transformational change. In this moment, we’re following the leadership of Black people and organizers who are leading the fight for Black liberation. Here is a list of resources and organizations many of our staff support and subscribe to:

The work of dismantling white supremacy is vast and deep, and this is by no means an exhaustive list of things you can do to dive into this work. But together, we can build a better world, and achieve collective liberation and true justice for every single person in our community. We hope you will join us in this commitment.

Onward in the fight for justice,

Corporate Accountability Team

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