January 20, 2017

Get trained on how to challenge Trumps Agenda

Today Donald Trump will take the oath of office, becoming the next president of the United States. It marks the beginning of an administration that denies climate change, puts billionaire CEOs in charge of government agencies they want to dismantle, and plans massive corporate tax giveaways.

Today, we have a choice. We can sit back and hope for the best, or we can take a stand to demand democracy, justice, and the protection of our most basic rights and resources.

Will you join us in taking a stand? When we take action together, we can achieve great things. We’re training up a whole crew of activists who are ready and willing to challenge Trump’s corporate agenda across the country — and, I hope you will be one of them.

Whether you are a seasoned activist with years of experience, or Trump’s election has moved you to take action for the first time, you’ll gain valuable skills from this interactive training.

Our experienced organizers will give you concrete tools to resist Trump’s corporate agenda over the next four years and set you up to host actions in your community.

For nearly 40 years, Corporate Accountability International has been waging and winning people-powered campaigns that curb the worst abuses of global corporations. We’re excited to share our experience and tools to ignite a nationwide movement to challenge Trump’s corporate agenda.

It’s time to take a stand, pick up the phone, visit your local representative, speak to corporate decision makers, and hit the streets. Learn how to organize in your community to shift power back to people. RSVP for the virtual organizing training on February 6.

Together we have amazing strength — and we can use that strength to challenge Trump’s agenda. I can’t wait to organize with you.