December 7, 2017

Match: Double your impact on climate justice

Do you remember the big news from last summer? Donald Trump announced that the United States — the country with the highest historical greenhouse gas emissions — would pull out of the U.N. climate treaty’s Paris Agreement.

We were disgusted to see just how far Trump would go to protect the interests of the fossil fuel industry. And we suspected his administration would go even further to undermine these international climate talks.

We were right. Even though the Trump administration moved to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement, his administration continued to bully other countries to undermine progress on climate justice.

Thankfully, we’ve got something that Donald Trump doesn’t have: you. Hundreds of thousands of you had our backs. You took action to demand the U.S. and Big Polluters stand down and stop undermining climate policy. Activism by people like you is more powerful than ever before — and we’re just getting started. Are you with us?

When you make a gift before midnight on December 31, you can DOUBLE your impact. During our 2017 Matching Gift Challenge, help us meet the $100,000 match.

We had a major win in May, when delegates and civil society called out the influence of Big Polluters.  This meant, thanks to the activism and support of people like you, we were closer than ever before to pushing fossil fuel interests out of global climate policy.

But at these most recent climate talks, those representing the interests of Big Polluters continued to try to obstruct progress.  The U.S. even went so far as to hold an event with the coal industry to PROMOTE fossil fuels as the solution to address climate change. And at the last minute, we got wind of a session on how to enhance the participation of observers (read: business interests) scheduled AT THE SAME TIME that we were holding an event on industry interference. Coincidence? More like an attempt to erase our progress so far.

But we were there in force to deliver your messages that we will not stand for this obstruction of climate justice. We did what we do best – organize people power to stand up to the most powerful entities on earth. We organized with our closest allies, mobilized champion governments, and raised your voices to represent the people.

We are more committed than ever to kicking Big Polluters out of climate talks. We will move forward, not back. Will you stand with us?

From the vast acres of deadly wildfires scorching and suffocating the American West — to the devastating effects of hurricanes Maria and Harvey — climate change is already causing catastrophe and leaving death and destruction in its wake.

I was there in Bonn with Corporate Accountability to represent the interests of the people — instead of global behemoths like Exxon and Shell. I saw the lengths these corporations — and the governments in their pockets — will go to protect their financial interests.

They are not going to let up. But you know what? Neither will we. Are you with us?

Donate now to ensure bold climate action. Remember, your gift will be matched!

Big Polluters may have resources, connections, and the White House on their side — but we have what they will never have: the power of the people. Together, with your help, we will create a just and sustainable world.

Help us reach our goal of $100,000 towards stopping the expansion of corporate power.

Note: this post has been edited and updated since it went out via email on December 7th to correct errors.