January 23, 2017

Our movement stops the TPP in its tracks

The early reports about the highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal were disturbing. Negotiated behind closed doors in rooms full of corporate lobbyists, the whole thing seemed to be tailor-made for transnational corporations. And when chapters of the deal were leaked, they confirmed our worst fears. The TPP was indeed all about increasing corporate profit, no matter the expense to people and planet. It even included a provision that would allow corporations to sue countries for passing laws that protect workers, public health, or the environment.

The movement that rose up to stop the TPP may have been the largest and most diverse progressive coalition of all time, including labor unions, environmental groups, public health advocates, economic justice organizations, and so many others. And we were right there. Corporate Accountability and its members organized shoulder to shoulder with people from all 12 countries affected by the TPP and beyond. We attended rallies, made calls, wrote to public officials, and spoke out in the press by the thousands.

And, together, we made the TPP untouchable. It went from the fast track to being politically toxic: by the time the 2016 presidential election rolled around, none of the lead candidates could endorse it. The TPP was formally put to rest in winter of 2017, marking a historic victory for people. Together, we drew a line in the sand on corporate power and set a new standard for global trade.

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