November 3, 2021

Take action: Real solutions versus “net zero” schemes at the UN climate talks

It’s been a busy first few days at the U.N. global climate talks. And today has been dubbed ‘finance day.’

Like many other aspects of global climate policy, governments have an important choice to make. Will they publicly finance real solutions to address the climate crisis? Or will they hand the reins over to polluters to advance their “net zero” schemes that only enrich Big Polluters that fuel the climate crisis in the first place?

You and I know the choice is crystal clear, but unfortunately, Big Polluters and the largely white, wealthy Global North governments that do their bidding are pushing hard for dangerous distractions and false solutions so they can keep polluting and keep profiting.

Together, we can make sure they don’t get away with it. We and our partners recently released an update to the exposé, The Big Con, all about how Big Polluters sway climate policy for their own benefit, and how they are pushing “net zero” pledges to advance false solutions in a moment of great urgency.

And right now, at the COP26 climate talks, a coalition of allies and climate justice organizers hand-delivered this updated report, along with thousands of petition signatures from people like you, directly to the U.S., U.K, and EU delegations, urging them to side with people, not Big Polluters.

Will you join with activists on the ground at the climate talks to ensure this demand is heard from beyond the halls of the U.N.? Post on social media so that the U.S., U.K., and EU delegations know the people are demanding they stop doing Big Polluters’ bidding.

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