March 1, 2022

The power you can build

For too long, we have lived under deeply racist and exploitative systems that prioritize corporate profits over people’s wellbeing.

These systems have enabled and even encouraged corporations to destroy the planet and harm countless lives and livelihoods, with the brunt of this abuse landing on people of color, people of the Global South, and low-income communities.

Now, people all across the world are seeing the connections between corporate greed and the existential threat of the converging crises we collectively face. Our current systems are unsustainable and destructive — and they are beginning to crack.

The time to act is now. We’ve seen time and time again that lasting, systemic change comes from people-power. And as a monthly donor, you’ll be integral to powering an organization that challenges corporate power every day of the year and part of a global movement to take power away from transnational corporations and put it back in the hands of the people, where it belongs.

Right now, we are recruiting 70 new monthly donors by March 25 so that we can have the regular and ongoing support we need to hold corporations accountable for their abuses. And what’s more, a generous donor has agreed to give an additional $150 for every new monthly donor that joins us by the end of this campaign.

Our movement is as strong as it is because of the support of people like you. Will you join us and help us reach our goal of 70 new monthly donors by March 25?

All around the world, transnational corporations are setting the agenda for governments and having an underhanded role in influencing commonsense, life-saving policies — with great cost to people, the environment, and the planet.

Corporate Accountability is not afraid to take on the bold task of challenging the world’s most powerful industries head-on. We have powerful momentum, smart and proven strategies for success, and the leadership of steadfast frontline allies from around the world organizing in coalition with us to see us through this moment.

As a monthly donor, you’ll be part of the core of reliable support for our organization. You’ll be among the first to know about breaking news and calls to action from the global corporate accountability movement. And it’s an easy and convenient way to support Corporate Accountability’s campaigns all year round. You’ll be automatically charged each month for the donation amount you choose and you always have the option to change or cancel your gift.

And when you join in by March 25, a generous donor will give an additional $150, making your ongoing support go even further.

Your gift will have a huge impact on our campaigns to hold abusive corporations accountable for the abuses they perpetuate and the harms they cause. Sign up to become a monthly donor today and join us in creating a better, more just, and liberatory world for everyone, together.

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