February 1, 2023

We need you to power this work

For too long, we have lived under deeply racist and exploitative systems that prioritize corporate profits over people’s well-being.

But people all across the world are seeing the connections between corporate greed and the existential threat of the many crises we collectively face — from the climate crisis, to lead and other poisons in our water, to food systems that pollute the environment and fuel health epidemics rather than nourishing us. Our current systems are unsustainable and destructive — and they are beginning to crack.

And that is why, right now, we need the support of 50 new monthly donors by February 28 so that we have the regular and ongoing support needed to hold corporations accountable for abusive behavior. And when you join as a monthly donor before the deadline, a generous member has agreed to chip in an additional $150! We’ll also send you a window sticker so you can celebrate your commitment to the cause.

Our movement is as strong as it is because of the support of people like you. Will you join us and help us reach our goal of 50 new monthly donors by February 28?

Corporate Accountability is not afraid to take on the bold task of challenging the world’s most powerful industries head-on. We have a track record of waging and winning smart, strategic, long-term campaigns that force corporations change their ways.

As a monthly donor, you’ll be part of the core of reliable support for our organization. You’ll be among the first to know about breaking news and calls to action from the global corporate accountability movement.

Monthly giving is an easy and convenient way to support Corporate Accountability’s campaigns throughout the year. You’ll be automatically charged each month for the amount you choose, and you always have the option to change or cancel your gift.

Your gift will have a huge impact on our campaigns to hold abusive corporations accountable for the harms they cause. Sign up to join our growing community of monthly donors before February 28 and be part of creating a better, more just, and liberatory world for everyone, together.

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