July 28, 2016

Which corporation most deserves to be in the Corporate Hall of Shame?

Last week, we announced that Koch Industries is the latest inductee to the Corporate Hall of Shame. Now, I’m pleased to announce that voting has begun for the worst corporation of 2016. 

When people like you vote in the Corporate Hall of Shame, you signal that the abuses of global corporations will not be tolerated. Your votes shine the bright spotlight of public scrutiny on those corporations, and you help mobilize grassroots action.

I hope you will make your voice heard today by voting in the 2016 Corporate Hall of Shame.

Corporate Accountability International confronts executives at shareholders’ meetings and on Capitol Hill. We expose abuses in major media outlets. And we run local and international campaigns to ramp up public pressure on Big Business to change its destructive policies.

You ensure Corporate Accountability International gets results.

Will you vote for Exxon, for deceiving the public and delaying meaningful climate change action for over four decades?

Or Veolia, for failing to sound the alarm for lead contamination in Flint, leaving thousands of children vulnerable to lead poisoning?

You could even vote for 2015 loser Koch Industries again, for creating more than 600 offshore subsidiaries as tax shelters while funneling money into state and federal elections.

There are so many abusive corporations to choose from, it’s truly difficult to decide! I hope you’ll take a moment to consider all your choices. And then let us know which one most deserves to be in the Corporate Hall of Shame. Your vote will expose the abuses of the worst of the worst and hold that corporation accountable.

Without your participation, these global corporations will continue to abuse our planet, trample on people’s rights, and steal our democracy. We know the Corporate Hall of Shame is effective. No corporation wants to be in that kind of spotlight. You can put the worst of the worst there and effect real change.

Your support will help ensure that people’s lives and rights come before corporate profit — by exposing outrageous corporate abuse and holding corporations accountable.

Vote now!