
Do even more to make sure PMI hears your voice today!

Thank you for making a call to Philip Morris International’s (PMI’s) headquarters earlier today during the corporation’s annual shareholders’ meeting. Together with hundreds of others who called in, we are really making our collective voices heard.

Will you help us continue building the pressure on PMI today?

We’ve created some graphics that illustrate the stark difference between the narrative that Big Tobacco tries to spin about its product versus the reality behind what it is selling. And sharing them on PMI’s biggest day for impressing investors will help hold its executives accountable for their lies.

So please join us and make sure PMI can’t fool the public, or its investors, and share the

Together, we will make it crystal clear that PMI must stop blocking lifesaving policy, stop trying to deceive the public, and stop targeting youth with its deadly products.

Use the buttons below to see the graphics we designed, and then share, like, and comment on the posts to help ensure even more people see them!