
Make a legacy gift

Create a legacy of lasting change

Corporate Accountability has a 40-plus-year track record of bringing about transformative change. In partnership with members like you, we are creating a world where corporations answer to people—not the other way around.

Including Corporate Accountability in your will or estate plans means you secure the work of our organization for years to come, helping us be more fearless and strategic in our work to challenge corporate power. And it allows you to create a long-lasting legacy with a cause that is close to your heart.

Together, we can create a world that is more caring, loving, and just for all people, no matter their race, where they come from, or how much money they have.

There  are a range of options for legacy giving:

  • List us as a beneficiary in your will (see below)
  • List us as a beneficiary of a retirement account (401k, IRA, pension).
  • Transfer ownership of life insurance policies that you no longer need to Corporate Accountability and receive a tax deduction, or list us as a primary or secondary beneficiary of an already-established policy.
  • List us as a recipient of income or remaining assets in a charitable trust, including lead trusts and remainder trusts.
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