February 7, 2019

STATEMENT: Green New Deal must deliver justice, too

Today, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey are set to introduce a framework detailing the Green New Deal.

Please see below for Corporate Accountability Campaign Director Sriram Madhusoodanan’s statement:

“The Green New Deal is a critical first step to aligning U.S. climate policy with ambitious and necessary action that is required to address the climate crisis, and do so in line with the demands of a global movement for climate justice.

As our country enters a collective conversation kick started by the visionary leadership of Representative Ocasio-Cortez and the bold actions of young people, we cannot shy away from a critical element of the story: how we got here, and who is responsible. In other words, the Green New Deal must help to hold those most responsible for the climate crisis, especially the fossil fuel industry, accountable.

As we contend with the scale and costs of climate disaster we cannot forget the central role the fossil fuel industry has played in driving us to this point. We cannot address climate change effectively without justice and accountability. The Green New Deal must help to deliver both.”

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