November 3, 2022

Press release: Pressure mounts to kick polluters out of climate talks

On eve of COP27, more than 425 organizations demand governments finally safeguard UNFCCC from industry influence

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, EGYPT — For more than three decades, the corporations most responsible for the climate crisis have exerted inordinate influence to grind the global response to the climate crisis to a halt. Today, more than 425 civil society organizations from every corner of the globe and networks representing millions of people are demanding governments address this glaring oversight within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Next week, the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) will proceed absent the needed safeguards to protect against corporate capture of the negotiations. Public relations for the COP are being conducted by a firm notorious for representing the fossil fuel and tobacco industries. Lobbyists for polluting industries will likely attend by the hundreds as they have year after year. Delegates will not even be required to publicly declare their polluting interests, despite calls from UNFCCC civil society groups to require this. And a major global polluter will even be sponsoring the talks. To address these and other avenues for corporate interference, signatories are advocating the UNFCCC adopt a comprehensive accountability framework without delay as well as end corporate sponsorship.


“COP27 is being sponsored by the same companies that have got us into the climate crisis: airlines, car firms, gas multinationals. The likes of GM, Egypt Air, and Siemens are using these talks to greenwash their image and gain access to decision makers via cocktail receptions and other opportunities to schmooze. We need to end their sponsorship and keep them out of COP27. Tobacco companies are not welcome at the WHO, why should the climate be any different?”
Pascoe Sabido, researcher and campaigner, Corporate Europe Observatory

“Big polluters settle on our lands, deforest our forests, pollute our rivers, kill animals, this affects our bodies and the future of our generation.”
Vandria Borari, from the Borari people of Baixo Tapajós, Pará, Brazil

“Impacted peoples on the frontlines of the climate crisis had thought COP27 would be inclusive and forthright in addressing their pressing concerns including loss and damage finance but the talks have instead been on reverse gear in the firm grip and direction of Big Polluters and their allies.”
Philip Jakpor, Director of Programmes, Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa

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