November 7, 2018

STATEMENT: Voters elected corporate accountability at ballot box

BOSTON–In response to the 2018 U.S. midterm election results, Corporate Accountability Executive Director Patti Lynn issued the following statement:

“The midterms were a leap forward for our democracy and the corporate accountability necessary for its realization. A record number of people showed up to vote out corporate power and vote in justice, equity and corporate accountability. In almost every state, ballot measures and candidates dedicated to corporate accountability made great strides or won the day.

Voters elected corporate accountability by installing a House that will better hold the Trump administration accountable for its deep and problematic ties to a range of abusive industries.

Voters elected corporate accountability by electing a range of candidates and turning out in unprecedented numbers for still others that reject corporate money in politics and influence over our democracy. More than 130 candidates on the ballot this year refused to accept corporate PAC money and 19 newly elected House members refused any fossil fuel industry money.

Voters elected corporate accountability by passing a range of measures that check corporate abuse. In Baltimore, people banned water privatization, and in Florida, voters demanded an end to offshore drilling.

Voters elected corporate accountability by leveling political maps, re-enfranchising voters, and otherwise revitalizing the concept of one person, one vote. Over 1.4 million people got their right to vote restored in Florida, and voters from Missouri to North Dakota to Colorado called for cleaner elections and an end to gerrymandering.

Voters elected corporate accountability by forcing Big Business to spend deeply to get its way at the ballot box. Big Polluters, Big Food and others dumped millions of dollars into races and ballot initiatives in a scramble to hold on to shrinking ground.

But that’s not to say there isn’t work to do.

Corporate interests and their deep pockets are still descending on halls of government and officials with industry ties will be returning to Washington, to state capitals and city halls.

The midterms were large step forward for our democracy and the corporate accountability that makes it work. It is thanks to a broad range of organizations and tens of thousands of people that we achieved these wins.

But, the next milestone isn’t 2020 — it’s tomorrow.

Today, we reflect on this progress. And tomorrow, we roll up our sleeves to continue to build a more just, equitable democracy. Between now and 2020 and beyond, the task ahead of us is not to simply vote corporate accountability, but to organize, every day, until we bring it to reality.”


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