
Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals

The global campaign to hold Big Tobacco accountable is driven by an alliance of dozens of environmental, public health, human rights, and corporate accountability organizations in as many countries around the world.

NATT coalition at COP8
NATT members Irene Reyes (left) and Hellen Neima participate in negotiating sessions at the global tobacco treaty meetings.

Convened and supported by Corporate Accountability, this broad coalition — the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals (NATT) — was pivotal to the global tobacco treaty negotiations, helping galvanize a united front in securing the strongest possible treaty. It was also instrumental in preventing dangerous loopholes the tobacco industry vigorously attempted to include during the negotiations.

Today, NATT and Corporate Accountability partner to advance the implementation of lifesaving treaty measures around the world.

Together, the NATT coalition is responsible for:

  • Monitoring, exposing, and directly challenging the tobacco industry’s brazen efforts to undermine public health policy.
  • Instituting safeguards in countries around the world to protect public health policy from tobacco industry interference, in line with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and Article 5.3 guidelines.
  • Advancing measures to hold the tobacco industry liable for its decades of harms in countries all over the world, in line with the FCTC’s Article 19, and ensuring the treaty continues to support liability implementation at the international level.
  • Mobilizing grassroots support among the public and policymakers to implement the lifesaving measures of the FCTC in countries around the world.