
EXPLAINER- NOT ZERO: How ‘net zero’ targets disguise climate inaction


Headlines from Big Polluters on NetZero

Far from signifying climate ambition, the phrase “net zero” is being used by a majority of polluting governments and corporations to evade responsibility, shift burdens, disguise climate inaction, and in some cases even to scale up fossil fuel extraction, burning and emissions. The term is used to greenwash business-as-usual or even business-more-than-usual. At the core of these pledges are small and distant targets that require no action for decades, and promises of technologies that are unlikely ever to work at scale, and which are likely to cause huge harm if they come to pass.

To read the full explainer from Corporate Accountability and other climate justice groups, click the download button above.

Click the links below for additional languages.

Español: No Es Cero: Cómo las metas de emisiones “cero neto” encubren la inacción frente al cambio climático 

Français: Zero Pas Net : Comment les objectifs à « zéro émission nette » dissimulent l’inaction politique

Português: NÃO ZERO: Como as metas “net zero” disfarçam a inacção climática