
Irene Patricia Reyes

Headshot of Irene Reyes, point person for Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) on tobacco industry denormalization and member of Corporate Accountability's board of directors.

Irene’s introduction to the global tobacco control movement happened during law school, when she volunteered to research the tobacco industry’s law violations. She worked with a small group of volunteers, who mobilized more than 100 law students to join petitioners in filing a case against Big Tobacco.

Since that experience, Irene has dedicated her law career to public health and tobacco control. She has been a partner of Corporate Accountability’s tobacco campaign for many years, organizing with the team during international policy meetings and participating in the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals (NATT).

She serves as the point person for the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) on tobacco industry denormalization. Prior to this, Irene worked at HealthJustice, a non-profit organization in the Philippines working on effective public health policies and tobacco control measures, where she moved into the leadership position of Managing Director.

Irene’s background as a lawyer has helped her to make significant contributions to policy changes in the Philippines and globally. She actively helps ensure that public health policies are protected from industry influence.

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