
Kristin Savage

Director of Media and Press Relations
Portrait photo of Kristin Savage, wearing a gray suit jacket.

Kristin’s deep rage about corporate power and inequity took root during the HIV and AIDS outbreak, which hit her neighbors and family friends in Baltimore City, many of whom had very low access to healthcare, hard. Her mother volunteered as a peer counselor in a support group for people who had been infected, and, still a child, she learned a lot about the crisis. She saw the toll that it took on people’s bodies, and she witnessed how government institutions and pharmaceutical companies excluded the people who were most at risk from the research and clinical trials underway at local top-tier medical research institutions.

“I’ve always been drawn to movements and campaign strategies that center impacted people building power,” she said. During that time, Kristin got involved with organizations like the Baltimore Prevention Coalition that were developing new grassroots, community-led models of mutual aid and care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Baltimore. She learned how people can come together, build community, and fill the major gaps that institutions and government left.

Kristin has dedicated her career to the pursuit of justice, focusing on issues related to labor organizing, poverty, women’s health, and clean energy. Most recently, she consulted with BIPOC-led community organizations, clean energy project developers, and labor unions to tactically implement the Inflation Reduction Act and the Instructure Act in ways that prioritize historically underserved workers and communities that are the most impacted by environmental racism. She has served in policy advocacy non-profits, as a legislative director in the Pennsylvania Senate, and in the internal communications shops of labor unions, as well as a progressive communications firm exclusively serving unions and movement leaders across the U.S.

As a non-traditional, adult returning student, Kristin earned her Bachelors of Public and Community Health from New Mexico State University and a Master of Public Administration from Villanova University.

Kristin leads the strategic media and press program at Corporate Accountability. In collaboration with campaign directors and researchers, she gives our analysis greater reach, helping to shape the public narrative on the role corporations play in the many crises in our world, and the ways we can hold them accountable. She is honored to receive the torch from the talented media leaders that came before her at Corporate Accountability who left a legacy of tide-shifting public pressure and narrative change work that she aspires to continue.

In her free time, Kristin enjoys reading, fishing, traveling, and live music, and is currently learning about the ins and outs of homesteading, in hopes of someday owning a small working farm.