“The fire in my belly comes from being able to empower and work with everyday people to get involved in standing up to corporations and demanding justice,” says Marilyn.
Fortunately, that’s basically Marilyn’s job description. She plays a lead role in building our membership programs and helps coordinate our Action League strategy. In her role, she has the chance to speak with members across the country, every day.
Marilyn’s desire to challenge corporate power comes from growing up in Kentucky. She witnessed how mountaintop removal coal mining was destroying the Appalachian Mountains and mountain communities. And she was outraged by the way local elected officials continually prioritized the coal industry’s interests over people and the environment. “Over time, I learned that this is just one example of corporate greed and abuse,” she said.
Prior to joining staff, Marilyn worked as a communications and research associate at Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political communications from Emerson College. And, she has a cat named Justice… as in social justice.