
Archives: Climate

From the U.N. climate negotiations to communities all over the world, people demand governments to stand with people, not polluters.

Annual report 2021 Corporate Accountability

Learn more about what you made possible by downloading this year's Annual Report or exploring the digital version. 

Corporate Accountability organizer holds sign that reads "Challenge Corporate Power

Make your gift to rein in corporate power by December 31 and DOUBLE your impact!

Research from Corporate Accountability and Global Witness found that 503 people with fossil fuel industry ties had been accredited for COP26.

The BBC just revealed how Big Polluters have gained access to the UN climate talks. Take action to stop their schemes and advance real solutions to address the climate crisis.

More lobbyists for big polluters than any national delegation 8th November, London/ Glasgow – At least 503 fossil fuel lobbyists, ...

Two days into the climate talks have yielded little more than dangerous “net zero” pledges from Global North leaders.

Today is finance day at the global climate talks. But are governments financing real solutions or polluters' "net zero" schemes? Take action and demand that Governments side with the people's demands for real zero & real solutions, not Big Polluters' “net zero" schemes.

Today fossil fuel executives will testify in front of Congress. You can urge Congress to use the full power to hold this dangerous, disingenuous, industry accountable.

Patti Lynn and Geoffrey Supran on what to expect as the "Slippery Six" fossil fuel industry executives testify in Congress.

Corporate Accountability
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Corporate Accountability is looking for a new Executive Director