
Archives: Climate

Shell, one of the world’s largest oil companies, has gained privileged access to the UN Climate negotiations while pushing the same unworkable solutions for almost 20 years, internal company documents reveal.

Scott Pruitt’s resignation is another demonstration that people are not willing to accept officials who endanger people and the environment.

Across the U.S. and around the globe, people are demanding an end to the fossil fuel industry's stranglehold over our institutions.

FIFA has been accused of double standards after it joined a UN Climate Change initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during this year’s football World Cup while continuing to receive lucrative sponsorship deals from big polluters.

Protester holds "Polluters out, people in" poster

Thanks to tens of thousands of people like you, we’re sending a message to ExxonMobil and Chevron as they hold their annual shareholders’ meeting.

In the coming weeks, we'll be organizing around the shareholders’ meetings of corporations like ExxonMobil, and McDonald’s. We need your support to make sure we have the strongest presence possible.

By Friday Phiri for Inter Press Service. As negotiators concluded ten days of climate talks in Bonn last week, climate ...

Bird's-eye view of factories polluting a town at sunset. Photo: Petter Rudwall

Now is a critical moment to expose the fossil fuel industry’s interference on the global stage and on their home turf. By doing so, we’ll empower the governments negotiating at the U.N. right now to reject Big Polluters’ dangerous distractions and make sure the global response to this crisis reflects the needs of people -- and truly advances climate justice. We’re counting on you to turn up the heat on these Big Polluters directly so they feel the power of people from the floors of their shareholders’ meetings to the halls of the U.N.

In this make-or-break year for the planet, Big Polluters and their front groups are working tirelessly to weaken and delay climate policy needed to save the planet and millions of lives. As they head into their shareholders' meetings, tell Big Polluters to stop blocking progress on climate justice!

Despite opposition from the United States, more countries seem interested in getting fossil fuel influence out of climate negotiations. By ...

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