
Archives: Climate

By Chloe Farand for DeSmog Blog UK. The UN has been called out for acting as a mouthpiece for oil giant Shell ...

Our survival depends on bold climate action now. It’s time Exxon Mobil, the fossil fuel industry, and its proxies pay for the destruction they have caused.

By Kate Aronoff for the Intercept. DEMOCRATS IN WASHINGTON state this winter exploded onto the political scene. In November, an unabashed ...

BOSTON — Today, President Trump announced via Twitter that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has been fired and that C.I.A. ...

The front cover of Spotlight, Corporate Accountability’s newsletter.

Articles include: You tell US to stand down at UN climate talks; Creating social change, person to person; Standing up to Big Tobacco around the world; You stand with educators to end junk food marketing in schools; Building toward water justice in Pittsburgh; Member spotlight: Nancy Bernstein, and more…

Business lobbies in Europe and the US are pushing for a distinct, direct and formalised “business channel” into UN climate negotiations.

Capitol Hill

The Trump administration just released an infrastructure plan that could open the floodgates for corporations to privatize the public systems we all rely upon, like our water systems. Tell your member of Congress to reject the Trump infrastructure plan.

The following public-interest NGOs welcome the opportunity to register this joint submission with regard to “Views from Parties and non-Party stakeholders to take stock of progress in the implementation of the SBI conclusions on non-Party stakeholder engagement with a view to considering how such engagement can be further enhanced”: ActionAid International*, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development*, Center for Biological Diversity*, Corporate Accountability International*, Corporate Europe Observatory*, Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria, ETC Group,* Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Friends of the Earth International*, Friends of the Earth US, Greenpeace*, IBON International*, Jo-Jikum, SustainUS*, Third World Network*, and (Sustainable Markets Foundation)*. This submission includes representation from organizations with (*) and without observer status. These organizations are members of ENGO, RINGO, and YOUNGO constituencies.

In a few days, President Trump will deliver the State of the Union address. One year into his presidency, corporate power run amok is devastating people’s lives. But you have the power to challenge corporate abuse and advance justice.

At the latest climate talks, I saw the lengths oil and gas corporations -- and the governments in their pockets -- will go to protect their financial interests. We are more committed than ever to kicking Big Polluters out of climate talks. We will move forward, not back. Will you stand with us?

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