Corporate Accountability member TIna-Rose reminds us that there is a lot we can do to improve our communities -- we just need to start.
Learn how we and our allies are challenging corporate abuse—from exposing fossil fuel lobbyists at U.N. climate talks to building people power against the corporate-backed Trump administration.
Ari Belathar, activist and movement leader, will be the new executive director of Corporate Accountability. They will step into the role this February to support the organization as it continues to put movement power and resources behind Global South campaigns.
Ari Belathar steps into leadership role, bringing depth of analysis, values alignment, and abundant experience in organizing for social justice.
Debunking corporate climate schemes. Protecting youth from Big Tobacco's predatory marketing. Read more about what you helped make possible.
Campaigning under difficult circumstances is only possible when we celebrate our victories. More about your impact in our annual report.
Let’s celebrate the victories we had together in curbing corporate power this year in the 2024 Annual Report.
Under Trump, corporations will likely benefit at the expense of the rest of us. Direct corporate campaigning is more essential than ever.
Applying strategies and lessons learned from the GE Boycott to challenge to challenging today’s weapons corporations.
The forces behind anti-democratic movements and abusive corporations are linked. Learn how challenging corporate power plays a role in countering authoritarianism.