What really happened at COP26? Organizers from Latin America and Africa share their perspective on what happened and where we go from here.
Learn more about what you made possible by downloading this year's Annual Report or exploring the digital version.
Make your gift to rein in corporate power by December 31 and DOUBLE your impact!
Today is finance day at the global climate talks. But are governments financing real solutions or polluters' "net zero" schemes? Take action and demand that Governments side with the people's demands for real zero & real solutions, not Big Polluters' “net zero" schemes.
Today fossil fuel executives will testify in front of Congress. You can urge Congress to use the full power to hold this dangerous, disingenuous, industry accountable.
It's time for the U.S., U.K., and EU to stop shilling for Big Polluters and their “net zero” schemes at the global climate talks. Demand these delegations heed the voices of people in the Global South and on the frontlines of the climate crisis.
Joint analysis from the Treaty Alliance (TA) of the Global North's proposal for drafting a legally binding treaty.
Join the Corporate Accountability Giving Circle to deepen your analysis of Corporate Power and to take meaningful action on our campaigns.
The latest updates from Corporate Accountability's campaigns -- learn more about what your support has made possible.
Patti Lynn's reflections on these difficult times and how we move through them together, putting relationships at the center.