
Archives: Food

ILSI report cover

We demanded executives from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo answer for their abuses at their annual corporate Shareholders Meetings.

Please see the statement below, presented at the PepsiCo annual shareholders’ meeting on May 6, 2020, by Dr. Yolandra Hancock ...

Ray Rogers’ Statement Introducing Harrington Investments’ Shareholder Proposal on Sugar and Public Health & Coronavirus Concerns at The Coca-Cola Company’s ...

Patti Lynn, ED of Corporate Accountability, protesting at the Youth Climate Strikes in Boston, holding sign reading "Polluters out, people in"

The shock of this moment provides an opportunity for all of us to rethink and reimagine the kind of world we all deserve to live in—and how best to achieve it. Corporate Accountability and our allies are stepping into this moment to move toward this world by doing what we do best: corporate campaigning.

Investors demand Coke stops interfering in policy, funding junk science ATLANTA, GA—On the eve of Coke’s first-ever all-virtual annual meeting, ...

ILSI report cover

This report dives into how these corporations have leveraged the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) to cripple progress on nutrition policy across the globe. 

In the lead up to many of their shareholders' meetings, demand that Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, McDonald's, and others stop funding a shadowy industry group that funds junk science and undermines public health.

Corporate Accountability staff and allies call out Coke’s abuses at its annual shareholders’ meeting.

Spreading junk science to muddle the conversation. Unduly influencing government bodies. Dumping millions into elections to influence the outcome. It’s a ...

Together, we'll expose corporations that attempt to use the pandemic as an opportunity to force political and economic changes for their own benefit.

As we all do our part to respond to the coronavirus, we know corporations and the rich and powerful will attempt to use this crisis for their own profit. Together we will make sure they don't get away with it.

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Corporate Accountability is looking for a new Executive Director