After years of grassroots organizing by a powerful coalition coordinated by Corporate Accountability International, Colombia –once a safe haven for Big Tobacco – passed a comprehensive national tobacco control law in keeping with the global tobacco treaty.
With our allies, we helped secure precedent-setting global tobacco treaty guidelines to prevent the industry from interfering in health policy. The guidelines have helped countries across the globe.
This 30th anniversary booklet commemorates historic victories that Corporate Accountability International and its members have achieved by compelling powerful corporations ...
After the unanimous adoption of the global tobacco treaty, we launched a whirlwind grassroots campaign with governments and allied organizations across the Global South, swelling the number of ratifying countries from approximately 40 to 175 today.
We helped ensure the unanimous adoption of the global tobacco treaty, the first global public health and corporate accountability treaty. The treaty protects nearly 90 percent of the world’s population.
We succeeded so well in connecting Philip Morris' brand image to its deadly abuses that even, after spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve its brand, it was forced to change its name in 2003.
The organization exposed the truth behind RJR Nabisco’s family-friendly image, contributing to the breakup of the third-largest tobacco corporation in the world.
Just three years after we set out to "Send Joe Camel Packing," RJR Nabisco pulled its ads featuring the iconic cartoon camel.