Delegados & sociedad civil piden medidas de responsabilidad en las conversaciones sobre el tratado de tabaco.
Delegates & civil society call for liability measures at tobacco treaty talks.
After an exceptional tenure as executive director, Patti Lynn will be moving into a new role at Corporate Accountability by the end of 2024. The board of directors is grateful for the ample time that Patti has provided to execute this transition—and we are thrilled that she will be staying on as an organizer and fundraiser.
Experts and organizations across the globe are urging governments to take action to hold Big Tobacco liable for its abuses.
Tobacco control experts discuss strategies for countering tobacco industry interference at the upcoming COP10 and MOP3 meetings.
O Índice Regional classifica 19 países; mostra tendência de piora antes das negociações do tratado global do tabaco Quito, Equador ...
The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World says its severing ties with its creator and sole funder: Philip Morris International. We're not fooled.
The Tobacco Industry Interference Index shows the many ways that Big Tobacco interferes in public health policymaking across the world–from ...
El Índice Regional clasifica a 19 países; muestra una tendencia al empeoramiento en vísperas de las negociaciones del tratado mundial sobre el control del tabaco.
New report finds that tobacco corporations have increased their influence on governments across Latin America and the Caribbean.