October 15, 2019

2,000 days: Justice for the people of Flint


What’s the longest you’ve gone without a drink from a glass of clean, safe tap water?

For people in Flint, Michigan, it’s been over five years. In fact, today marks two thousand days since the water supply switch that triggered Flint’s ongoing crisis. When I hear that number, I have to take a deep breath to really process what it means.

That’s more than 5 years of contaminated water flowing from Flint residents’ taps. More than five years of sounding the alarm and organizing for a just resolution to a crisis they did nothing to cause.

And leading this organizing is Flint Rising, a grassroots campaign demanding justice. We’re committed to partnering with them to ensure that this tragedy isn’t forgotten and those responsible are held accountable.

That’s why I’m asking if you’ll stand with our partners at Flint Rising as we demand solutions to and justice for the Flint water crisis. Donate now, and your full gift will support our partners at Flint Rising and their campaigning for justice.

Two thousand days ago, Flint’s water supply was switched to the filthy Flint River. It didn’t take long for people to start noticing that something was terribly wrong.

The people of Flint didn’t choose to make this switch. The roots of the crisis lie in Michigan’s emergency manager law, which allows the state to install an unelected official to essentially run a city — with nearly limitless power to override local government. This disastrous law has been used to systematically suspend democracy in majority Black cities in Michigan like Flint.

Now Flint residents pay some of the highest rates in the country with bills up to $200 per month — for water they can’t drink. Because even though, as you may have read, Flint’s water supply has been switched back, the water is still dirty and people are still getting sick from it. The pipes urgently need to be replaced. And the state officials whose actions sparked the crisis, like former Governor Rick Snyder, must be held accountable.

For years, the powerful women at the helm of Flint Rising have been organizing tirelessly for their human right to water. They’re organizing to support their fellow Flint residents in urgently securing access to safe water for their daily needs. And they’re organizing for a long-term solution to the water crisis and accountability for those who caused it.

It’s far past time for Flint residents to have safe water again, and for those responsible for this crisis to be held accountable. When you donate today, you’ll support Flint residents in demanding their human right to water be respected, and holding those involved accountable.

Thank you for your commitment to clean, safe water at rates all people can afford.