May 7, 2020

Amazon: Protect your workers, not your profits

Amazon worker holding a box

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a health and economic disaster for billions of people. But for some corporations like Amazon, the crisis means sky-high profits. And because of Amazon’s unsafe working conditions, it runs the risk of worsening the pandemic.

Healthcare workers are struggling to manage and to provide care, often still without the needed equipment. As a result, at least 23 U.S. governors have urged residents to stay home as new COVID-19 cases keep climbing, some 26 million people have lost their jobs in just five weeks, and small businesses are in free-fall.

Cashing in on these stay-at-home orders, Amazon has positioned all of its operations as “essential.” Amazon is exploiting this crisis to monopolize our economy. And it’s doing so despite failing to protect its workers properly.

Though months into this global pandemic, Amazon has failed to implement a comprehensive plan to protect its growing workforce from coronavirus exposure. As COVID-19 infections are found in Amazon warehouses, this is detrimental to public health and to the wellbeing of a vast number of Amazon workers and their communities.

If Amazon won’t do the right thing, our elected officials must step in and act to put a stop to this public health threat. And you can help push them to do that.

That’s why we’re joining a coalition of allied organizations to demand that governors investigate Amazon, and close down warehouses if the corporation can’t guarantee their workers’ safety. Add your name!

Amazon workers are already walking out of warehouses in protest, but face retaliation for advocating for our collective health. Amazon employee Chris Smalls for example, who together with dozens of his colleagues in New York City, walked out of work over worker safety and public health concerns, was quickly fired and insulted for speaking up. Amazon’s working conditions are a national public health concern, and we applaud workers’ relentless courage and concern for their coworkers, their communities, and our shared public health.

It’s clear Amazon is not listening to its own employees or customers. So it’s time for our elected officials to act. If Amazon cannot guarantee the safety of its facilities, then those facilities should not be operating during a public health crisis.

Public officials must safeguard workers’ and public health, since Amazon is not taking the necessary measures. Demand your governor step in and investigate Amazon for the sake of public safety.

Sign the petition to your governor: Close Amazon warehouses that fail to protect public health NOW.

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