May 21, 2003

Global tobacco treaty unanimously adopted

Since 1993, Corporate Accountability International has been leading global efforts to hold Big Tobacco accountable.

Recognizing that the industry was exporting the world’s greatest preventable epidemic of death and disease to low- and middle-income countries around the world, we turned our attention to securing a global treaty to curb the industry’s abuses worldwide.

To that end, we founded the Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals (NATT), a global alliance of more than 100 consumer, environmental, public health, human rights, faith-based and corporate accountability organizations. Working closely with NATT members, governments, and allied organizations across the Global South, and in the face of opposition from the U.S. government, we succeeded in securing the unanimous adoption of the global tobacco treaty at the World Health Assembly in 2003.   

Officially known as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the treaty is a potent tool that allows the global community to reclaim public health from a deadly industry. Broad implementation of the global tobacco treaty could save up to 200 million lives by 2050.

It also sets an important precedent for holding other dangerous industries accountable.

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