
Archives: Tobacco

Three organizers stand together outside of a city building holding signs that protest Veolia for its role in Flint and speaking into a mega phone.

Learn more about the impact across the globe in challenging corporate power in the latest edition of the Spotlight newsletter. 

Joanna, a white woman with long grayish blondish hair smiles at the camera. She's wearing a white shirt.

Climate activist and long-time Corporate Accountability member talks about the power of challenging corporations directly.

Um novo vídeo expõe as táticas de marketing predatórias da Big Tobacco em toda a região.

Un nuevo video expone las tácticas de marketing de las grandes tabacaleras en toda la región

A new video exposes Big Tobacco's predatory marketing tactics across the region.

Un nuevo informe muestra cómo la gigante tabacalera se dirige a la juventud a través de la cultura pop.

Colombia banned tobacco promotion. Philip Morris International still sponsors its biggest music festival.

Philip Morris International utiliza el patrocinio de festivales de música para atraer a nuevos clientes, sobre todo a la población joven, en países del Sur Global.

The Big Tobacco giant is trying to rebrand, but cigarettes remain its core business.