November 15, 2019

Is Trump profiting off his presidency?

No elected office should ever be used as part of a profit-making scheme.

But day after day, the Trump administration is expanding and entrenching corporate power. The administration seems to be taking actions to directly and indirectly benefit corporate interests and increase corporate profits at the public’s expense.

And as part of this corporate power grab, Trump may be lining his own pockets by using the presidency to benefit the corporations he and his family own.

Military and government officials (including the vice president) have stayed at Trump-owned properties at taxpayer expense. And Politico has recently reported that House investigators were looking into an allegation that groups — including at least one foreign government — “tried to ingratiate themselves to President Donald Trump by booking rooms at his hotels but never staying in them.”

This is absolutely unacceptable. Lavish overnights by government officials at Trump’s resorts that raise serious flags of misconduct must be thoroughly investigated by Congress. And, potential reports of efforts by foreign governments or foreign entities to attempt to influence the president and seek favor by renting out his hotels are especially alarming.

Add your name and demand that Congress follow the money and investigate what looks like outright profiteering.

Together, we must call on Congress to continue — and redouble — its efforts to follow the facts and the money no matter where they lead.

Congressional efforts to conduct oversight were given a boost by a recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit which underlined the fact that Congress has the authority to conduct oversight and issue subpoenas to witnesses. The court ruling is good news for transparency and good for our democracy. We must use the momentum of that ruling to keep pushing Congress to keep unraveling the string to see where it leads.

Tell Congress to follow the money and determine the full extent of Donald Trump’s potential profiteering. We must know how much revenue Trump’s businesses received from the U.S. Treasury and from foreign sources.

You can help build a robust national movement to call on Congress to follow the money and take a stand against corporate profiteering.

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