November 28, 2022

QUADRUPLE your impact for #GivingTuesday

Can you think of a service that is more essential to life than access to safe, clean, and affordable water?

Far too many people around the world do not have access to clean and affordable water. This tragedy is further deepened by the greedy actions of transnational water corporations seeking to profit from this precious resource — at great cost to people all over the world.

Now, this same industry is targeting the African continent as another market to peddle its profit-making schemes, ramping up its privatization efforts around the region and doing so at the expense of communities across the continent.

But over the last two years, our partners in the Our Water Our Right Africa Coalition have organized to escalate pressure on corporations like Veolia and Suez to completely end the push for water privatization on the African continent. And we are proud to work in deep partnership with them, building power across borders to advance the global demand for water justice.

Today, the coalition includes powerhouse organizations in eight countries around the continent. That’s why we’ve set an ambitious goal to raise $15,000 on #GivingTuesday this year: to support our allies in the coalition and our collective campaign for water justice.

When you give right now, your gift will be quadrupled. This means that your gift of $100 becomes $400 — but only if you give before the deadline. Not only that, your gift will also support Corporate Accountability’s campaign to protect the human right to water in the U.S. and beyond.

The Our Water Our Right movement was borne out of Lagos, Nigeria — an epicenter of today’s water justice movement. Initially comprising dozens of organizations representing the city’s 21 million residents, the movement has expanded to seven other African countries including Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda, Mozambique, and more.

The coalition is instrumental in advancing the human right to water for millions of people in Africa. Together, we are challenging water privatizers and the international entities backing them to oppose the privatization of water under every guise. And our partners are galvanizing local communities to stop water privatization projects across the continent.

On #GivingTuesday, you’ll have the chance to QUADRUPLE your impact and support organizers on the ground as they protect the human right to water.

And when you give right now, half your donations will go directly to our partners in the Our Water Our Right Africa Coalition, who are challenging corporate power across the African continent, in addition to supporting our global water campaign.

This is what it looks like to advance the human right to water and to stop water privatization. So will you power the campaign to protect the human right to water today?

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