Corporations can control what you see on the internet.
Late last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) caved to corporate interests and voted to strip internet users of their rights to choose what they do, where they go, and whom they connect with online. Without these net neutrality protections, large phone and cable companies are now able to block and slow access to sites and services at will.
But you aren’t letting corporations get away with this blatant power-grab. The FCC’s decision has sparked a national movement to demand the return of real net neutrality protections. Millions of people like you are taking action in the streets, at statehouses, outside the FCC, and before Congress.
And while we are continuing to demand federal rules that reinstate net neutrality, we can also look to our cities and towns to ensure these protections.
Inspired by your actions, Mayors across the country are stepping up. Mayors Bill de Blasio of New York, Ted Wheeler of Portland, Oregon and Steve Adler of Austin, Texas recently called on all other U.S. mayors to join them in a Cities Open Internet Pledge. This pledge requires all corporations that want to provide internet service in the city to follow a strong set of net neutrality principles.
And since our partners at Free Press Action Fund, OpenMedia, and others launched this call, more than 20 mayors have signed on to the pledge. You can continue to grow this national movement for an open internet.