December 19, 2016

Stand with us to protect water

Protester supporting public water

Keep private corporations from taking over our water systems.

When you turn the tap on in your kitchen sink, you expect clean, drinkable water to flow. Strong public water systems have been the lifeblood of the United States since Philadelphia implemented the nation’s first major urban public water system more than 200 years ago.

But now, our public water systems are under threat. Water privatizers like Veolia drive up rates, neglect infrastructure, and cut dangerous corners. As we saw happen with Veolia’s role in lead contamination crises in Flint and now Pittsburgh, they endanger people in their quest for profit.

You can stop the water privatizers from profiting off our public water systems by donating today. And thanks to a generous donor, every dollar we raise between now and December 31 will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Donald Trump’s so-called infrastructure plan, which should chart a path to funding our public water systems, in reality proposes only a giant corporate tax giveaway that would encourage privatization and line the pockets of infrastructure corporations.

In fact, just days after the election, the head of the trade group that represents the private water industry in the U.S. sent Trump a letter welcoming him with open arms. Private water corporations smell a profit.

Over the past few years, you have made sure that private water corporations do not go unchecked, from South Carolina to Missouri to Massachusetts. With your support, Corporate Accountability International has organized tremendous grassroots pressure, produced ground breaking reports, and shone a media spotlight on the private water industry’s abuses.

With Trump taking office next month, we’ll need to do all this and more. We have the strategy in place to defend public water systems across the country. But we can’t do it without you.

Help keep public water in public hands. Make your year-end gift today, and your impact will be doubled, thanks to our matching gift challenge! Thank you for all you do to challenge corporate power.