May 11, 2017

Who controls the Internet?

A handful of giant transnational corporations want control over the Internet. And the Trump administration wants to give it to them.

That’s not okay with me, and I bet it’s not okay with you either. As the digital engagement director at Corporate Accountability International, I work every day to ensure that you, and hundreds of thousands of people like you, have the online tools to hold corporations accountable for harming people and the planet. And whether it’s a digital petition that allows tens of thousands of people to send a message directly to a CEO, or a website that gives you the resources you need to organize in your community, these digital tools are empowering people like you around the world to create change.

But without strong net neutrality laws, your voice could be silenced. Corporations like Verizon and Comcast could dictate where you go and what you do online. They could slow down or block content they don’t like, institute ‘pay to play’ schemes, and manipulate your use of the Internet to benefit their bottom line.

Don’t let Trump’s new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman scrap net neutrality protections!

Like so many members of Donald Trump’s administration, the new chair of the FCC has deep ties to corporations. FCC Chair Ajit Pai was an attorney for Verizon. So it was not surprising when he announced his plan to scrap net neutrality laws. The first vote on Chairman Pai’s plan will be on May 18 — so we need to act now.

In 2015, we won protections for an open Internet under Title II of the Communications Act because 4 million people like you demanded it and took action to protect a free and open Internet.

Because of net neutrality, the Internet is an engine for connection, education, democracy, and social justice. Don’t let the Trump administration give corporations the reins. Speak up to protect your Internet: Act now.

Together, we can make sure the Internet continues to be free and open — and not handed over to corporations to manipulate for their profit.

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