We wage strategic campaigns that compel transnational corporations and the governments that do their bidding to stop destroying our health, human rights, democracy, and the planet.
Learn moreThe power of grassroots activism: How organizers stopped a major privatization threat in its tracks in Houston.
Water is a fundamental human right. It belongs to all of us, and we should all be guaranteed the water we need to survive and live healthy lives. But increasingly, corporations are seeking to control and profit from water at the expense of people’s lives and well-being. In particular, corporations target Global South countries, communities of color, and low-income communities around the world, exploiting and exacerbating structural racism, income inequality, and legacies of colonialism. As a result, communities of color and low-income communities around the world are disproportionately impacted by water shutoffs, unaffordable rates, and contaminated water. Through our water campaign, we partner with water justice organizers and activists from these communities to prevent water privatization, protect democratic control of water systems, and advance excellent public solutions that provide safe, clean water at rates everyone can afford.
Learn more about our water campaign.When corporations take control of public water systems, they put profit over people. Watch The Story of Water: Who Controls the Way We Drink? to see how cities across the United States are coming up with innovative ways to improve their systems and keep them out of corporate hands.
The private water industry uses euphemisms like "public-private partnerships" to obscure the truth about its water privatization schemes. Read about the many examples of the private water industry's political interference and misleading marketing, and the growing trend of cities taking back public control of their water systems.