Download Annual Report
FY 2022


You put Big Food and Soda under pressure

Our shareholder activism put the heat on Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and McDonald’s to disclose the millions they spend globally to influence the politics of food and public health. We partnered with Global South allies most directly affected by these corporations’ abuses, as well as mainstream investment firms. Together, we demanded global transparency of the corporate political activities they engage in to mislead the public about the harms of their products, hinder progress on lifesaving policies, and cast themselves in a positive light.



Speaking truth to power at shareholders’ meetings

In the midst of corporate celebration of profits and slick propaganda, we and our allies brought a much-needed reality check to investors, board members, staff, and the media. We organized with food advocates and investors to demand that PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s fully open the books on their political activities worldwide.

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Member profile

Profile: Frances Moore Lappé

Shortly after the 50th anniversary release of her renowned book, “Diet for a Small Planet,” we sat down with long-time Corporate Accountability member and supporter Frances Moore Lappé to discuss how her vision for justice has evolved over the years.

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