Download Annual Report
FY 2022


Confronting corporate power and achieving victories

This year, you helped challenge corporate abuse as part of building a more just world. Our shared achievements with allies around the globe bring us closer to rooting out the corporate power, greed, and abuse at the root of oppressive systems that endanger people and the planet. Together, we’re organizing toward economic and racial justice, helping to create systems change that puts people—not corporate interests—first.

You expose Big Polluters schemes

Big Polluters are increasingly pretending they are part of the solution to the climate crisis. But you’re not having any of it.

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You power a milestone win on water

We won a major victory, building on more than a decade of organizing for public water in the U.S.!

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You demand Big Tobacco pay

This year, we escalated campaigns to make Big Tobacco—and Big Polluters—pay, underscoring the need to hold deadly industries liable across issues.

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You put Big Food and Soda under pressure

We put the heat on Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and McDonald’s to disclose the millions they spend globally to influence the politics of food and public health.

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You help build movement power

We are building grassroots power with organizations across the globe that are campaigning to hold corporations accountable to people.

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