Download Annual Report
FY 2022


You power a milestone win on water

After more than a decade of organizing for public water in the U.S., we won a major victory. We and our allies helped to secure billions of dollars in public water funding in the national infrastructure law—and we kept privatization out. Meanwhile, we partnered with allies across Africa to challenge water privatization. From Cameroon to Mozambique to Nigeria, coordinated local campaigns are increasingly well-positioned to stop the continent-wide threat of privatization. Your support makes such long-term campaigning and relationship-building possible.



Victory! You help ensure billions are marked for U.S. public water—not privatization schemes

We and our allies helped ensure $50 billion for water infrastructure across the country—with all water privatization provisions kept out. This victory is the result of decades of organizing you helped make possible.

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Ally profile

Fatou Diouf: Water justice organizer

For Fatou Diouf, who lives under a privatized water system in Dakar, Senegal, the human right to water isn’t just about having enough water to drink. Water also plays an integral role in bringing communities together.

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