Challenging corporate abuse in the day to day
Corporate Accountability’s staff, team, and board members bring our passion for justice and our dedication to corporate campaigning to our work each day. We are an intergenerational, global team with a wide range of experiences and perspectives. Our years of organizing range from three to 50, and we’re located in 18 cities and eight countries around the world. We each lead from where we are to hold corporations accountable for the harms they cause and build a more just world together.
Below are photos of team members organizing around the world. And scroll down to read about some of our most memorable organizing moments, what inspires us, and what brings us joy.

One of my most memorable organizing experiences is… marching with Nigerian water and labor rights activists through the streets of Lagos with boomboxes mounted on cars alongside, learning to join in on the exuberant chants for our water, our rights in multiple languages!
Shayda Naficy
One of my most memorable organizing experiences is the day our water researcher discovered Veolia was abandoning its flagship water privatization model in the U.S.
Ari Rubenstein
My favorite part of organizing is being in community with folks from all walks of life. My most memorable organizing moment was joining Palestinian and Colombian communities and activists in the summer of 2021 to challenge state violence. Solidarity and showing up for each other across borders is how we win!
Fatimah Shaikh
Mobilizing people power and financial power to challenge some of the most powerful corporations in the world inspires me.
Faiz Rahman-Sabean
Gardening brings me joy.
Corinne Jager
Teamwork inspires me.
Charlotte Bartter
One of my most memorable organizing experiences was the most recent meetings of the global tobacco treaty. It was the first virtual Conference of the Parties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And we, in partnership with our longtime allies, creatively and furiously organized to encourage government representatives to deliver their “conflict of interest declarations,” in keeping with the “maximizing transparency decision”—a unique milestone adopted in 2018 to keep the tobacco industry’s tentacles out of the negotiations.
Daniel Dorado Torres
One of my most memorable organizing experiences was an action we and our allies held outside of the Gramercy Hotel where representatives from the fossil fuel industry held a private event with politicians and environmental groups. Not only did they hear us, but we also made sure they saw us too, with a large projection on the building demanding to make Big Polluters pay.
Eric Johnson
The Monk & Robot series by Becky Chambers brings me joy. This new cli-fi (climate fiction) series is a tender, delightful, hope-filled exploration of a future founded on kindness, abundance, and community.
Latifah Azlan
One of my most memorable organizing experiences is organizing with Cosecha and with the ACLU of Massachusetts on issues affecting immigrant communities in the U.S. This experience was very important to me because for many of the years I lived in the U.S., I felt sad to not be part of a community that understood my feelings and experiences as an immigrant Latina. But when I found out about Cosecha and started organizing with them, I again felt in my skin. It was fulfilling. I felt part of a multitude of people fighting for what was right and just—in our own languages and cultures—for what mattered to us every day and minute that we were in the U.S. That experience opened the door of my heart to painful social realities that to today have not changed, but also to powerful and meaningful organizing that is worthy to do so with all our energy and commitment. Through that experience I learned to organize with joy, with dance, with art, with color, with food! And even today I can feel and smell that time.
Nathalie Rengifo Alvarez