Please see below for a statement from Sriram Madhusoodanan, our Associate Campaign Director. “The facts and evidence are clear—decades ago ...
Monthly eNews from Corporate Accountability.
President-elect Biden is considering a corporate lawyer who has defended Royal Dutch Shell against climate liability lawsuits to serve as solicitor general, the administration’s top legal advocate who argues cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
There are just hours left in our 2020 Challenge Corporate Power Match Campaign. Will you help us reach our goal?
Your impact in living color. Read about what you made happen this year in our Annual Report.
Together, we've made big things happen over the last 12 months.
We partner with powerhouse organizations across all of our campaigns. Learn more about our close allies Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa and The Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice
This year, we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic and great uprisings— and we were part of ...
The change we create together is larger than our individual actions. Meet three Corporate Accountability members bringing transformative change to the table.
It's past time for the U.S. to finally act the way a climate leader must, both within its borders and internationally. Why the Biden-Harris administration must honor the U.S. Fair Share on climate action -- and how they can do it.